The Youth Team
Meet some of our Youth Workers

Denny Anthony
Youth Officer
Qualified youth worker with 28 years of experience of
working with young people.
07579 042 910
“I consider the Hogarth Youth Centre to be the perfect fit for me. I was fortunate enough to work for the London Borough of Hounslow for more than twenty years. I was made redundant in 2018 and then the Hogarth Charitable Trust gave me the opportunity to continue working at the Youth Centre. My passion is to support young people in their development, by helping them to reach their full potential in whatever they choose to do.”

Naomi Alleyne
Senior Youth Worker
Naomi Alleyne has been involved with the Centre for 28 years, firstly as a
service user and for the last 20 years as a youth worker.
07579 042 912
“The Hogarth has been part of my life for over thirty years. When I was a child I came to the Youth Centre to take part in activities. As I got older, I volunteered at the centre, which eventually led to me being a part time Youth Worker. I also work for the London Borough of Hounslow in Key Stage One at one of the local Primary Schools. I want to support young people with their growth and development, just as I was supported when I was a young person.”

Rochelle Manswell-Sterling
Youth Worker
07592 994 098
“I have been attending Hogarth since 2012, firstly as a young person, then I began volunteering and now I am part of the staff here. I am in charge of the HAF scheme, and working alongside Hounslow Council I secure activities and free meals for our young people. I also undertake some of the operational admin duties.”

Billy Beatty
Youth Worker
07592 994 133
“I first began attending Hogarth in 2009 as a young person. I then began volunteering and eventually became part of the staff. As part of my role, I organise sporting activities and mentor young people. I am also part of the Children and Young People Scrutiny Panel at Hounslow Council, providing an insight into the young people who attend our sessions at Hogarth.”
The Youth Team were photographed in front of the Hogarth Centre mural, Imago Mundi.
During the Summer Holiday Programme 2022, resident artist Gala Bell worked with many young people who hand painted more than 1,000 tiles with colourful imagery of various countries. The tiles were then fired, arranged and installed outside the Centre. The work was unveiled on 27 October 2022.
This is the first such community art work to be permanently installed at the Centre. The project was part-funded by a Summer of Culture grant from London Borough of Hounslow.